Papua Police Held Patrol Around the City to Monitor the Circulation of the Forbidden Syrup Medicine

28 October 2022 - 00:27 WIB - Jayapura. The Head of Sub-Directorate I of the Papua Regional Police's Drug Investigation Directorate, Commissioner Hasanudin, directly led the inspection of syrup medicines that were prohibited by BPOM from being traded. The inspection were carried out at pharmacies and drug stores in the Cities and Districts of Jayapura.

The Papua Police Directorate of Drugs Investigation divided their personnel into three teams in their inspectio at North Jayapura District, South Jayapura District, Abepura District, Heram Districts, and Sentani.

From their inspection, it was revealed that several pharmacies, have already banned and pulled the drugs from circulation.

"We remind the pharmacies not to sell those drugs that are prohibited by BPOM due to their dangers," said Commissioner Hasanudin, quoted from Antara.

He continued that BPOM has issued a list of syrup drugs containing ethylene glycol (EG) and diethylene glycol (DEG) that exceeds the threshold, which makes it dangerous if consumed. The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Polcie itself has requested to monitor the circulation of Unibebi Syrup Medicine for cough.

Edwar Muhtar, owner of the Murah Farma Pharmacy in the Imbi area, admitted that the drug had been withdrawn by the distributor after BPOM issued the ban. He said that before the ban, a lot of people bought the medicine because the price was relatively cheap.

After the inspection, the task force then posted an announcement about the prohibition of buying and selling Unibebi brand syrup.

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