Jambi Police Monitors the Traffic Passed by Coal Trucks

11 December 2022 - 08:37 WIB
Foto : Dok. Bidhumas Polda Jambi

The Traffic Directorate of Jambi Police continue to monitor the traffic that usually passed by coal trucks after being reopen for them.

As instructed by the Head of Jambi Police, Inspector General Rusdi Hartono, other than handling the traffic, the Traffic Directorate are ordered to monitor the traffic through CCTV RTMC that have been installed along the road.

The Head of Jambi Police Public Relations, Commissioner Mulia Prianto, says that the monitoring is going well. “The trucks are operating as in the schedule. It was crowded, but it is going well,” he said.

According to the agreement, the trucks from Sarolangung and Tebo districts are only allowed to cross the road at 18:00 WIB until 00:00 WIB. While trucks from Batanghari and Muaro Jambi Districts, they are only allowed cross the road from 19:00 to 02:00.

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