North Sumatra Police is on Alert to Flood and Landslides Potential

7 November 2022 - 12:33 WIB
Foto : ( - Medan.  The downpour and extreme weather that often occur lately have made the Directorate of Water and Air Police of the North Sumatra Police on standby to anticipate the floods and landslides potential.

"The current weather situation is unpredictable, where the climate can instantly change from sunny to rainy, that's why we should remain alert," explained North Sumatra Regional Police Director of Water and Air Police, Commissioner Toni Ariadi Effendi, on Sunday (11/6).

He explained that in facing the rainy season, Search and Rescue (SAR) equipment is required to map flood-prone areas and aware with the current weather situation.

"We have to help people who are affected by the natural disasters ," he said, quoted from

Commissioner Toni added, considering the rainy season has arrived, he did not rule out the possibility of floods or natural disasters and this should have been the common concern for the government, police, and the community.

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