To Prevent Conflicts in Midnight, Maluku Police Chief Suggest to Improve the Environmental Security System

4 October 2022 - 12:43 WIB - Ambon. After a conflict between groups of people that occurred in Batu Merah, Sirimau District, Ambon, on Sunday morning, Maluku Police Chief, Inspector General Lotharia Latif, asked to improve the environmental security system and public awareness.

"Responding to the conflicts that occurred in the middle of the night or early in the morning, we invite the attention of the state government apparatus and the community to again improve the environmental security system in their respective regions," said the Maluku Police Chief, in Ambon, Monday (10/3).

The Maluku Police Chief said that the implementation of the environmental security system was important to increase public awareness regarding the security situation in their respective regions. It is hoped that various potential crimes or fights can be minimized.

"If there is a group of people gathering together quite often, even late at night and early in the morning, they should be reprimanded and prohibited. They should’ve asked to go home before 12 o'clock at night," explained the Maluku Police Chief.

"Usually, if they gather around like that in the middle of the night, they will usually followed it by drinking or gambling, which eventually leads to violence and even persecution, resulting in injuries and even fatalities," said the Maluku Police Chief.

The police, said the Maluku Police Chief, cannot work alone in maintaining the safety and security situation. It requires the cooperation of all parties, especially the state government and local communities. He also asked the village officials to report to the nearest police if there were groups of people who gathers in the night and refused to be disbanded.

"If the village officials have already taken their measures and have given their warnings, but they still do not heed, please immediately report them to the police, either directly or through online community reports. We will immediately follow it up," he said.

Previously, at around 04:00 WIT Sunday morning, there are groups of people who throws stones at each other. The groups are those of the Ongkoliong Complex and the Youth of Tugu Siliwangi, Batu Merah Village, in front of the Ongkoliong Taxi Base in the Ongkoliong area.

The conflict began after both of them are insulting each other, and under the influence of liquors, things then get escalated.

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