Immediate Response of Mobile Brigade in Evacuating Flood Victims

20 November 2022 - 11:05 WIB
Foto : - The rain that pours down Makassar and surrounding area in this several days, mase the water volume keeps increasing and causing houses in the area Inundated.

In response to this disaster, South Sulawesi Police, led by Mobile Brigade SAR Commander, Ipda Purwanto, went immediately to the locations and evacuate the people and its belongings.

He said that this response is part of their service to the country and community. He hopes that this kind of disastee wouldn't happen again and the people would always be under the protection of God Allmighty.

One of the residents, Mamad, said that Search and Rescue team was there to help the people around Lanraki street, Biringkanaya Districts.

Same statement was also said by Nasrul. "We called the Mobile Brigade unit about the floodings and they sent their team to help the people whose house is inundated with water. Thank god, quick response of the Mobile Brigade SAR unit able to help us evacute the women, the children, and their belongings," said Mamad.

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