Malaysia Removes the Policy that Requires the Use of Masks on in Planes

30 September 2022 - 07:57 WIB
Sumber: CNN Indonesia  Malaysia no longer requires the use of masks on planes. This came after Malaysia lifted the mandatory indoor mask rule in early September. In an official statement on Wednesday (28/09/2022), Malaysian Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin said the mask-free rule on planes would take effect as soon as possible.

"On September 7, 2022, the Ministry of Health announced the easing of mandatory masks and decided that the use of masks indoors was optional. Based on the latest assessment of the Covid-19 situation and considering the latest policies, the ministry has decided that the use of masks is no longer mandatory while on the plane," said Khairy.

Khairy also explained that this rule was implemented after the government carried out a risk analysis, such as considering the improvement of cabin ventilation technology, the use of high efficiency particulate absorbent filters (Hepa) to remove pollutants in the air, aircraft seating arrangements, and the frequency of aircraft disinfection schedules.

In addition, Khairy said this easing was implemented in accordance with health recommendations from the European Union, UK, United States, New Zealand and Singapore.
Quoted by The Star, however, Khairy appealed to people in vulnerable groups to continue to wear masks. Some of these groups are the elderly, people with chronic diseases, people with low immunity, pregnant women, and people traveling with the elderly or children.

Not only that, Khairy emphasized that the use of masks on planes is still the authority of the destination country, considering that not all countries have implemented the same mask-free rules.

Malaysia has lifted the mask-free rule on 7 September. However, masks must still be worn in certain places and conditions. At that time, Khairy said the mandatory use of masks still applies to patients with Covid-19 and people on public transportation and health facilities such as in hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. And also in public transportation includes e-hailing services, planes, taxis and trains. Khairy also strongly recommends residents to use masks in crowded rooms.

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