Mount Fuego Erupts, Airports and Roads Closed Temporarily

13 December 2022 - 00:00 WIB
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Mount Fuego in Guatemala erupts. One of the most active volcanoes in Central America spewed lava and dust. Guatemalan municipal authorities announced they closed the main road and the largest airport in the region.

Fuego, which means fire in Spanish, rumbled Saturday night through Sunday. Molten rock flowed down its slopes and ash was sprayed up to two kilometers into the air.

In a statement reported by, on Monday (12/12), Guatemala's General Directorate of Civil Aviation said that La Aurora International Airport, 6 kilometers from the capital, was temporarily closed in the morning local time and at least two incoming flights had been diverted. This was because of the vulcanic ash near the runway.

Meanwhile Carlos Aquino, a spokesman for the local police explained the road connecting southern and central Guatemala was closed as a precaution. Fuego is located 16 kilometers from Antigua, the former capital of the country which has beautiful landscapes and is the biggest tourist attraction.

This volcano erupts on average every four to five years. The 2018 eruption sent rivers of lava down its sides, destroying the village of San Miguel Los Lotes and killing 215 people and an equal number of people have gone missing.

Reported so far there has been no report of casualties or people that need to be evacuated. Apart from Fuego, Guatemala also has other active volcanoes, namely Santiaguito in the West and Pacaya in the South.

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