The Humanitarian Aids of Indonesia Have Arrived in Pakistan

28 September 2022 - 12:09 WIB -  Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Muhajir Effendi, has handed over aid from the Government of Indonesia to the flood victims. The aids was formally received by the Sindh Provincial Government official, the Minister of Labor, Saeed Ghani and Minister of Public Welfare, Muhammad Sajidd, through a short ceremony held at Jinnah International Airport in Karachi (9/27).

Head of the National Border Management Agency (BNPP) Lieutenant General Suharyanto, Chairman of Commission XIII DPR RI Ashabul Kahfi, and the Director of South and Central Asia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, were also present at the event, representing the delegation from Indonesia. The delegation was also welcomed by officials from Pakistan's National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA).

The humanitarian aid package weighing around 90 tons was sent via two Garuda planes. The provisions inclued medicine, tents, clothes, blankets, sleeping bags, mosquito nets, and generators for the victims of the devastating floods in Pakistan.

Menko PMK selaku Ketua Delegasi Bantuan Kemanusiaan RI, Prof. Dr. Muhajir Effendi menyampaikan langsungkawa dan simpati mendalam kepada korban banjir di Pakistan dari

Muhajir, as the Head Delegations of Indonesian Aids, Muhajir Effendi, said his condolences and symphaty to the flood victims in Pakistan. He said that the two countries has a strong relationship, and always help hand in hand whenever one of them were in difficult times.

The Pakistani Minister of Labor, Saeed Ghani, expressed his gratitude to the Indonesian government for their solidarity and delivering humanitarian relief assistance to the Pakistani people.

As the two largest Muslim countries, Indonesia and Pakistan have strong fraternal and friendly relations. The two countries help each other during natural disasters, either during the tsunami in Indonesia in 2004 or the massive floods in Pakistan in 2010.

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