Central Java Police Food Task Force Ensures Stock Availability Ahead of Christmas and New Year Eve

16 December 2022 - 12:16 WIB

Tribratanews.polri.go.id - The Food Task Force of the Central Java Regional Police ensures all daily supplies is ready as Christmas and New Year Eve approaching. This was conveyed by the Deputy of Food Task Force for the Central Java Police, AKBP Rosyid Hartanto, after a coordination meeting in anticipation of the availability of the community's daily needs ahead of Christmas and New Year Eve.

The meeting was chaired directly by the Director of Special Criminal Investigation as Head of the Central Java Police Food Task Force Team, Commissioner Dwi Subagio at the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate office, Semarang City on Thursday (12/15).

The activity was also attended by the Head of the Domestic Trade Division for Central Java Province, Mochammad Santoso, Sub Coordination Section for Food Prices for the Central Java Food Security Service, Dhani Sardono, and Operations Manager for Central Java Bulog, Nanag Haritanto, and other related parties.

AKBP Rosyid Hartanto said that the Central Java Police Food Task Force had taken anticipatory steps to prevent hoarding of a number of staple foods needed by the community. He asked his members to carry out monitoring so that there would be no more hoarding.

"To anticipate hoarding, we have dispatched our members to food distributors in Central Java such as distributors of meat, chicken, rice, and other commodities," explained Central Java Police Middle Officer in his statement on Thursday (12/15).

The Central Java Food Task Force is also preparing safe distribution channels to the market level so that a shortage of basic commodities in one area does not occur.

Moreover, the Food Task Force Team also monitors all forms of suspected food crimes such as counterfeiting, as well as hoax news about food scarcity which has caused unrest in the community.

The Vice Head of Food Task Force of the Central Java Regional Police appealed to all people not to panic ahead of the upcoming Christmas and New Year's and asked the public to report if they found any stockpiling or inappropriate prices for basic commodities.

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