INP and Customs and Excise Arrests International Network Drug Traffickers in Aceh

1 March 2023 - 22:20 WIB
Antara – Banda Aceh. Collaboration between the Indonesian National Police (INP) and Customs and Excise has succeeded in thwarting a major international drug trafficking on February 28, 2023 in the waters of Aceh Province. A total of 200 kilograms of methamphetamine commonly known as “sabu” was confiscated from a fishing boat named “oskadon”.

Head of Customs and Excise Facilities of Aceh Customs and Excise Regional Office Isnu Irwantoro said that the operation was the result of analysis and information shared by the joint team.

“Several parties were involved in the operation, including the Aceh Customs and Excise Office, Directorate of Narcotics Interdiction of Customs and Excise, Directorate of Narcotics Crimes of Criminal Investigation Agency of INP, Directorate of Narcotics Investigation of Aceh Regional Police, Riau Islands Customs and Excise Regional Office, Tanjung Balai Karimun Customs and Excise Operation Facility Base, Batam Customs and Excise Operation Facility Base, Lhokseumawe Customs and Excise, Sabang Customs and Excise, Operation Task Force of Water Police of Aceh Regional Police, and BC 3000 Patrol Ship Task Force,” he said on Wednesday (1/3/2023).

The three suspects, identified as MJM, the captain of the boat, RS, and ZA were all arrested.

“We have handed over the evidence and suspects to the INP for further investigation,” he said.


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