Bandung Police Secured Thousands of Illegal Drugs and Liquors

1 November 2022 - 10:41 WIB
Foto : (Bidhumas Polresta Bandung) - Soreang. Bandung Police have managed to secure 1,479 illegal drugs of eximer and tramadol, along with three suspects and dozens of liquors. The case was revealed after the community reported the three to the police during the “Jumat Curhat” program in Parungserab Village, Soreang district, Bandung, West Java, Friday (10/28).

“During the ‘Jumat Curhat’ program, we invites the community leaders, religious leaders, and the people of Soreang District to hear their complaint or protest. This porgram is held to gather informations regarding security that needs police attention,” said Bandung Police Chief, Kusworo Wibowo, Monday (10/31).

He then explained that from “Jumat Curhat”, they got an information regarding the drugs and immediately deployed Bandung Police Drugs Investigation Unit to go and search the three locations in Soreang District. Police then able to secure the suspects in Kutawaringin along with the evidence. It is said that the suspect bought the items online.

“The perpetrator has been circulating the illegal drugs for four months. For that, the perpetrator was charged with the Health Law with a threat of 10 years in prison. We also take action against the perpetrators of liquor trafficking. As a result, dozens of jerry cans and bottles of liquor were successfully secured by officers,” said the Police Chief.

Commissioner Kusworo invites the public to report any drugs cases to the police if they have an information about the alcohol or drugs trade that are prohibited from being sold freely.

“You need not to be afraid, we will act upon it immediately,” said Bandung Police Chief.

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