Police Investigates KONI's Funds Corruption is West Papua

29 October 2022 - 17:04 WIB
Foto : fajarpapua

Tribratanews.polri.go.id - Pabar. Following up on Indonesian National Sports Committees (KONI) budget corruption for the 2019 2020 and 2021 fiscal year, the West Papua Regional Police have examined 24 witnesses. Director of the Special Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Papua Regional Police, Commissioner Romylus Tamlahitu, confirmed that an investigation into alleged corruption within the West Papua KONI organization was being developed.

The Director of Criminal Investigation of the West Papua Regional Police told that until now 24 West Papuan KONI organization administrators have been questioned as witnesses, including the Daily Chair and Treasurer.

He continued that several supporting documents of the budget use to the accountability report had been confiscated by investigators and still being examined considering that the use of West Papua KONI funds in the three fiscal years (2019-2021) reached hundreds of billions of rupiahs.

"The focus of the investigation in this alleged corruption case, were the honorarium (incentives) for the West Papua KONI management, funding for sports, procurement activities, and other activities related to the flow of West Papua KONI funds in the three fiscal years," he said quoted from the Fajarpapua website.

In completing the evidence file in the investigation process, the D Director of Criminal Investigation of the West Papua Regional Police team would conduct searches to a number of areas where the training center was held.

"The investigative team will investigate Jakarta, Bali, and Jayapura where the TC was held before the XX PON event. This includes tracing the cost of renting hotels/lodging outside West Papua,” he said.

He then revealed that other than the 24 witnesses, there were other witnesses who would be presented for questioning, and did not rule out the possibility that the General Chairperson of the West Papua KONI would also be questioned.

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