Police Examine the Chairman of Indonesian Football Association Related to the Case of Kanjuruhan Tragedy

18 October 2022 - 11:58 WIB
Sumber : antaranews.com

Tribratanews.polri.go.id - Chairman of the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI), Mochamad Iriawan, will be questioned at the East Java Police Headquarters, onTuesday (10/18). He was questioned in relation with the Kanjuruhan Tragedy, Malang Regency, East Java.

"Tomorrow, the plan is to examine several witnesses, including those from the Indonesian Football Association," said the Head of the General Information of the National Police, Commissioner Nurul Azizah, on Monday (17/10/22).

She explained that several witnesses were being examined on Tuesday, starting with the Arema FC treasurer, Field Coordinator Steward, and the Competition Department of PT LIB.

According to her, the examination of witnesses from the Competition Department of PT LIB is a continuation of the previous examination.

"Next, there will be an examination to the General Chairperson of PSSI, the PSSI Appeals Commission, and the archiving secretary," said Nurul.

So far, investigators have examined 29 witnesses, including three expert witnesses. Meanwhile, on Wednesday, October 19, an exhumation to the two victims who died in the Kanjuruhan tragedy will be carried out.

Previously, the Head of the National Police Public Relations Division, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said that the exhumation was carried out for the purpose of investigation.

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police explained that the Police did not work alone. Exhumation will also involved the Indonesian Forensic Medicine Association and the Disaster Victim Identification Team in Malang and East Java.

"This is a proof of our transparency for other parties to jointly oversee the investigation process," explained the two-star general.

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