National Police Criminal Investigation Unit Revealed the Method of Supplying PG and EG Raw Materials to Make Syrup Medicine

12 November 2022 - 13:21 WIB
Foto : ( - Jakarta. The National Police Criminal Investigation Unit succeeded in uncovering the ways a syrup medicine supply company in cases of atypical progressive acute kidney failure which resulted in the death of hundreds of children in Indonesia.

Head Bureau of General Information of the National Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan said that the company that supplies raw materials for syrup, namely CV Chemical Samudera, is suspected of mixing raw materials for syrup with ethylene glycol (EG). This suspicion is supported by the finding of evidence in the form of propylene glycol (PG) and EG which were stored in drums during a search on Wednesday (9/11/22).

"It was found that evidence at the location, namely PG and EG, which were in drums or white barrels bearing the label The Dow Chemical Company (DOW) was allegedly an additional raw material ordered by PT AF through PT TBK and PT APG," explained Brigadier General Ahmad as quoted from, Friday (11/11/22).

Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan explained that the drum labeled PT Dow Chemical Company used by CV Chemical Samudera was suspected to be fake. From the results of the investigation, CV Chemical Samudera allegedly used the drum to mix EG contaminants.

"However, the EG content in the raw material exceeds a predetermined threshold," said Brigadier Ahmad Ramadan in his conclusion.

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