National Police Chief Destroyed Drug Evidence Weighing 267,707 Kg

23 November 2022 - 08:54 WIB
Foto : Humas Polri - Jakarta.  The Directorate of Drugs Investigation of National Police Criminal Investigation Unit destroyed the evidence of methamphetamine weighing 269,707 kg. The evidence was from seven suspects in four drug cases. From these disclosures, the police estimated that they have saved more than a million people from the dangers of drugs.

“The destroyed evidence are those drugs that have been confiscated from four different drug cases. Two of those are our disclosure with Customs and Excise Office,” explained the Director of National Police Drugs Investigation Unit, Brigadier General Krisno H Siregar, quoted from, Tuesday (11/22).

He revealed that the first case is the drug case with the suspect of Safwan Supardi, a.k.a Awan, in Riau on September 14th, 2022. The police confiscated the methamphetamine from the suspect with a total weight of 21,283 kg. Then, in the second disclosure, police confiscated the drug with the Customs and Excise Office on October 7th, 2022, from the suspect with the name of Fatahillah. From the disclosure that has been conducted in Aceh, police confiscated the drugs with a total weigh of 179,000 g.

“Meanwhile, in the third disclosure, still with Customs and Excise, the police conducted a raid in Perairan Aceh Tamiang with evidence of 50,000 grams of methamphetamine. Police arrested four suspects in that disclosure, which includes Marzani AR, Muhammad Reza, T Zulyandi, and Hendra Khomani,” said the One Star General.

He adds that in the fourth disclosure in North Sumatra, police confiscated the drugs from Candra Saputra, a.k.a Carles. From him, the police confiscated 19,424 grams of methamphetamine.

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