Police Secured a Company who Hoards 390 Tons of Subsidized Diesel Fuel

18 October 2022 - 14:17 WIB
Sumber foto : DOK. satbrimob polda lampung

Tribratanews.polri.go.id - Lampung. The Lampung Regional Police succeeded in dismantling the case of subsidized diesel fuel hoard. PT Usaha Remaja Mandiri (PT. URM) is suspected of stockpiling subsidized diesel fuel up to 390 tons since January 2021, which is worth more than IDR 2 billion.

Head of Sub-Directorate IV for Specific Crimes of Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Lampung Police, AKBP Yusriandi, said the disclosure began when his team first uncovered the hoarding of 49 tons of subsidized fuel oil. From the disclosure of this case, six people were arrested, one of them was the director of the company.

"So, we conducted an investigation into the activities by the company and found that they had hoards diesel fuel. We got the evidence of 49 tons of subsidized diesel," said AKBP Yusriandi, Lampung Police, quoted from detik.com, Tuesday (18/10/22). .

AKBP Yusriandi also said that all this diesel fuel oil was stored in large tanks that had been prepared by the company. There were six people arrested. Two people from the host party, namely BW (director of PT URM) and DY (employee of PT URM). While the other four people are RN and HW (suppliers), as well as UJ and DH (coordinators of diesel purchase).

“They hoards the fuel oil from a number of gas stations in Bandar Lampung using a modified truck. The fuel from this gas station is stored in a tank car with a capacity of 10 thousand liters, and sent to their company. As a result of their actions, they will charged to Article 55 of Law No. 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas,” explained AKBP Yusriandi.

in Hukum

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